Monday, November 15, 2010

Small But Mighty: Fairfield Post Office is Number 1 With the Customer

Out of over 600 Post Offices in the Alabama District, the Fairfield Post Office is ranked #1 for the Retail Customer Experience. Window clerks Jacqueline Washington, Robert Mitchell, and Rodrigo Mays work hard to serve the customers. In fact, on the morning when Postmarks visited Fairfield, it was quite difficult to tear them away from the steady stream of customers long enough to snap some pictures.

Pictured left to right: Supervisor Amethyst Stewart, SSDA Rodrigo Mays, SSDA Robert Mitchell, and Postmaster Ed Young.

About the Fairfield window staff, Ed Young brags, "They do an excellent job. I sit here in the office and hear them helping customers. Asking all of the right questions, greeting each customer with a smile, has become second nature to all three of them."

Brown, Mitchell, Stewart, and Mays. Not pictured is Jacqueline Washington.

The Fairfield Post Office Mural Spirit of Steel, which was painted by Frank Hartley Anderson in 1938.