Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Saying Good-bye in Cusseta

Rural Carrier LaTonya Maddox (l); Retiring Cusseta Postmaster Kay Ingle (c); new Cusseta Postmaster Antrice Forster (r)

Last week, two employees of the tiny Cusseta, Alabama Post Office retired together. On September 30, 2010, Postmaster Kay Ingle and Postmaster Relief Brenda Strickland welcomed a steady stream of customers, friends, and fellow Postal employees who arrived to share memories and hugs, cry more than a few tears, and say their good-byes.

Kay Ingle (l) with a customer who came to say good-bye.
"I'm going to miss your face," one customer exclaimed to Ingle.

"And I'm going to miss all of my family over here," Ingle replied.

In the morning, Ingle (who had been the Postmaster of Cusseta for 14 years) presented awards and certificates of appreciation to her employees, and cake and punch were served to visitors throughout the day.

Ingle also shared two special things that she had written: the first was a letter to the citizens of Cusseta thanking them for their kindness, friendship, and support, and the second was a written tribute to Brenda Strickland, her PMR who had worked at the Cusseta Post Office for 29 years. "This day is more about Brenda," Ingle said.

Maddox (l), Ingle(c), and Rural Carrier Edna Williams (r) work together to make Ingle's last day a perfect one.

During her years with the Postal Service, Ingle promoted the Postal Service in every way that she could out of love rather than duty. In the Cusseta station, she kept a scrapbook that documented the 185 years of Postal history in Cusseta (the original Post Office stood near the current parking lot). She visited many schools to encourage stamp collecting. She participated in first-day cover and pictorial postmark events. In other words, Ingle is a devoted Postal employee who truly loved her job.
Ingle (l); customer Shasta Darden (c); Forster (r)

But since Kay Ingle wanted this day to be about Brenda Strickland, and since Postmarks was unfortunately unable to snap Strickland's picture, we would like to honor Kay's request and end with an excerpt from Kay's tribute to Brenda:

"In February of 1991, Brenda began working at the Cusseta Post Office. She began her career in the Postal Service as a dedicated, loyal employee. Today, 29 years and 7 months later, she remains the same dedicated, loyal employee.

During her employment, she has trained many people who were assigned to this office. I think that the total is at least 17, most of whom went on to become postmasters. Even though she did not pursue a career for herself, she certainly motivated and helped others through the steps while they were at Cusseta. Brenda's work ethics are in the highest ranks on the charts.

As we came into the computer age together, we have had to help each other many times. Her attitude is always a good one, and that is why she is so successful on the job. When she told me that she was retiring in August, I asked her to wait on me until September, and she honored that request. We are retiring together with good memories and lots of hard work, and are looking for a future filled with good things."