Sunday, October 10, 2010

Girl Power in Centreville

Centreville, Alabama Post Office Staff. Standing from left: Dana Wallace, Sharon Lightsey, Mary Watkins, Carolyn Donner. Seated in front: Debbie Wolfe

Although the Centreville Post Office is located in run-of-the-mill strip mall, there is nothing ordinary about the Post Office or the wonderful people who work there.

To start with, the all-female staff makes safety more than a slogan: the office has been accident-free for over two years.

And it's not just their own well-being that concerns them. Almost all of the carriers have stories about members of the public that they have rescued. Most recently, City Carrier Mary Watkins stopped when she saw a car that had veered off the road, called an ambulance, and assisted the injured, confused driver until medical care arrived on scene, and carrier Laura Smith assisted an elderly customer who had fallen and broken her arm. These women watch out for themselves, each other, and the members of their community.

Postmaster Debbie Wolfe is quick to brag on her employees. "I have a wonderful group," she said. "We haven't had an unscheduled absence in a very long time. Everybody here cares about the customer."

And the employees in Centreville are just as quick to chime in with good things about her, too. "We love our boss. She's good to us. She lets us do our job, and we do it well," they said.

It's always nice to visit an office where not only does everyone get along and support each other but where everyone is committed to service and to the success of the Postal Service.

Postmarks thanks Debbie Wolfe for inviting us to her office and the employees of Centreville for doing a great job and giving us such a warm welcome.