Thursday, September 16, 2010

Grant Post Office Lures Customers Into Boxes

Yesterday, the Grant Post Office conducted a Customer Appreciation Day. About the event, Postmaster David Powell writes

We held a customer appreciation day yesterday in the lobby of my office in order to thank customers for their patronage and to promote renting a PO Box. We had drinks and snacks, and I purchased the new tote bags from another office and gave them away to my best customers. They loved the bags, and it helps when they come to pick up their mail. We talked with about 70 people regarding renting boxes. We also gave out applications and price sheets. The event ran from 9-12 noon.

Overall, this was a fun and easy event that really impacted the community and increased awareness of renting a PO Box. Any office could do the same with little effort.

Pictured above are Hodges Dental Lab customer,  Clerk Donna Sutphin,  Custodian Darlene Gourdine, and Postmaster David Powell. Postmarks thanks David Powell for sharing the photo and event summary.