Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Krayons for Kids at the Anniston Post Office

Krayons for Kids is a non-profit organization that collects crayons and coloring books for patients in the Children's Hospital. In the hospital, crayons can't be re-used because they might spread illnesses and infections, so Krayons for Kids' goal is to make sure that all kids in the hospital have their own.

On July 23, the Anniston Post Office along with the Lineville and Millerville Post Offices sponsored a Krayons for Kids event that lasted all day.

Several local businesses donated food and refreshments, and for every book of stamps sold, the Post Office donated either crayons or a coloring book.

Michelle Stone, coordinator for Krayons for Kids, speaks to 24 News in the Anniston Post Office.

Retail Clerks Karen Mathis and Nicole Miller were kept busy that day: because the public's support of the event, Anniston exceeded its weekly revenue goal by 2.5%.

Retail Clerk Ayanna King can attest to the fact that Forever Stamps were hot sellers: normal sales were trippled. Normal weekly sales of Forever Stamps in Anniston is $789.06, but for this week, Forever Stamp revenue was $2613.60.

Total revenue for the event was $3432.68. And the Post Office collected 1550 boxes of crayons and 1340 coloring books.

Anniston Postmaster Derick King said, "We intend on making Krayons for Kids an annual event."

Postmarks thanks King for submitting pictures and a summary of the event. Congratulations, Anniston,on such a successful day! What a fine example of how the Post Office's participation in communities that it serves is beneficial to everyone.