Monday, August 30, 2010

Balloons R Fun Class Graduates in Montgomery

The Montgomery Diversity Group and Life Work Planning Center sponsored a Balloons R Fun Training class, which was taught by Ziann Goree (aka Q-T-Pie). Despite the fun and whimsical nature of balloon crafting, the students had a lot to learn in six sessions, which often ran hours past their expected end times.

The class included Postal employees, as well as non-Postal people who were accompanied by Postal employees. Graduation ceremonies for 7 students were held on August 26 at 6:00pm, and from the looks of it, the students were completely exhausted from the grueling curriculum.

And now, presenting ... the Balloons R Fun Graduating Class of 2010:

Annette Johnson-Bell, Joanne Pickett, Beverly Addison (all non postal); Ziann Smith Goree, Instructor and Plant Manager’s Secretary; Elaine Taylor, Supervisor, Customer Service Support; Angela Crenshaw, Mail Handler; Wanda Cooper, CFS Clerk; Eve Golden, Postmaster’s Secretary.

About the class, Ziann wrote, "The class was a huge success. There was a small graduation where the students invited some of their friends, family and co-workers. It’s amazing what you make in 6 lessons. These students had too much fun creating a lot of balloon sculptures to make people happy."

Eve Golden reminisces about all of the fun times that were shared by class participants.

Postmarks thanks Ziann Goree for both taking her time to teach the class and for sharing her pictures and experiences with us.