Tuesday, June 1, 2010

This Year's Food Drive Set New Record: 77.1 Million Pounds!

The results of this year's Stamp Out Hunger annual food drive were announced today: our carriers collected 77,132,180 pounds of food to help replenish our nation's food banks and pantries.

This beats last year's all-time high of 73.4 billion pounds and puts the total food collected since the food drive began in 1993 to over a billion pounds.

Tampa, Florida NALC Branch 599 alone collected 2,062,529 pounds to be crowned this year's top branch.

Postmarks thanks the generous American public who, despite trying economic times, donated more food than ever before to help our fellow citizens; the companies and individuals that partnered with the NALC to support the food drive; and most especially all of our hard-working carriers across the country, who carried or unloaded every pound of that food.