Thursday, May 20, 2010

Stayin' Alive in Birmingham

On May 15, Birmingham PEG Coordinator Annette Desmond conducted Beyond Awareness Safety Training for Birmingham City managers and safety officers. Participants gave up their Saturday to become certified in adult/child and infant CPR, as well as AED (automated external defibrillator).

Custodian Clifford Moore practices adult CPR.

     PEG Coordinators Annette Desmond and Jan Garner demonstrate defibrillator use.

Nesa Smith (front) is a happy choking victim for Queen Johnson.

Note: Humming the song Stayin' Alive will help you maintain the perfect rhythm while performing CPR compressions. The song has 103 beats per minute, which is very close to the 100 compressions per minute that are needed when peforming CPR. If you're not a Bee Gees fan, the song Another One Bites the Dust by the group Queen also works.