Monday, May 24, 2010

Ozark's Commitment to Safety

As USPS employees, safety is important to all of us, but how often do you hear about employees spending their own money to ensure the safety of both themselves and the public? Ozark OIC Sandra Czarnecki wants everyone to know about her two rural carriers, Tanya Matthews and Larry Walker who, in addition to having spotless safety records, have purchased back-up cameras for their vehicles.

Ozark Rural Carriers Tanya Matthews and Larry Walker

Tanya has been a rural carrier for 10 accident-free years, and in his 12 years of service as a rural carrier, Larry has never had an at-fault accident. Both spent $74 to purchase the back-up camera systems, and Tanya spent another $400 to have factory strobe lights installed in her new vehicle. They both follow USPS guidelines about only reversing their vehicles when absolutely necessary.

"The display in the car is not a distraction because it only comes on when the car is put in reverse,"
Czarnecki writes.

"Involve your employees: they will respond positively," Czarnecki advises other managers. Czarnecki also spends her own money to encourage safety in Ozark. Every week that her employees remain accident free, she purchases breakfast for them. "It's worth the cost to me if it prevents one injury or possibly death to my employees."

Postmarks thanks Sandra Czarnecki for submitting the information and pictures.