Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Not a Complaint for Complaints & Inquiries Department

Complaints & Inquiries clerks hear customers moaning and groaning all day; it's the nature of their jobs. That's why Birmingham Consumer Affairs Manager Viola Freeman was so happy to receive the following very enthusiastic message on her voicemail regarding the service a member of the public received from Complaints & Inquiries Clerk Inez Burden:

My name is Josh M___, and I am calling about one of your subordinates that did an excellent, excellent job for me on an issue. Her name is Inez. I had a package that was lost, and she followed through with me, called me back, kept me abreast of the information. I got my package today, and I just can’t say enough good things about her. Inez definitely, definitely, definitely displayed a level of follow-through and professionalism that’s rarely seen in dealing with people over the phone. Like I said, she followed through, she called me when she said that she was going to call me, and she really took an interest in getting me squared away, getting the problem resolved, so I just wanted to call. When somebody helps me like that extent, I like to call their supervisor or write a letter and just let them know that they’re up on their game, and I have nothing but good things to say about Inez.

Consumer Affairs Manager Viola Freeman purchased lunch for all of her employees to show them all that she appreciates them, too.

Consumer Affairs employees: LaSabria Smith, Inez Burden, Viola Freeman, Danny Hill, Karen Burt, and Alethea Fells

Great job, Inez! And thanks to all of the Consumer Affairs employees who have to do their best every day to remain helpful and courteous when dealing with our complaining or inquiring customers.