Friday, May 14, 2010

Montgomery Adopt a Shelter Pet Stamp Release Event

On May 1, the Montgomery Post Office commemorated the issuance of the Adopt a Shelter Pet Stamps at the local PetSmart. Customers could purchase the stamps, affix them to "rescue certificates," and have them stamped with a special postmark that was created just for the event.
A wide variety of shelter pets needing homes were also available for adoption.

Postmarks thanks Eve Golden for sending us the pictures and information from this fun, helpful, and profitable event.

Left to Right) Maurice Williams, Rea Cord, Dr. Mickey Golden, Steven Tears, and Lea Turbert

Dogs and puppies that were up for adoption.

A Special Cancellation was designed by Montgomery Postal employee Mechelle Manning. On her farm in Autauga County, Mechelle herself cares for 6 dogs, 5 cats and 4 horses, a majority of which are rescued pets.

Bettye Mendez, OIC Station Manager, Shakespeare Station, kneels beside Louie, .who was rescued by Montgomery County Humane Shelter after being set on fire. Louie was sent to Auburn University, where the poor little fellow went through several painful procedures while on the road to recovery.