Saturday, May 8, 2010

Caught Making a Difference: Stamping Out Hunger in Birmingham

Postmarks was able to visit just a few of our many hard-working carriers this afternoon as they brought back food collected on their routes. Thank you all for your dedication and service.

Woodlawn carriers Margaret Campbell and Alfreida Spencer take a short break from hours of delivering mail and unloading food.

Tubs filled with donated cans are much heavier than ones filled with paper.

Postmarks stopped Woodlawn carrier and NALC shop steward Robert Chantler while he was making deliveries on his route and asked him to slow down for just a second so that we could snap his picture. The towel that he is carrying had been on his head; although it was a beautiful day, carrying both mail and food is hot, exhausting work.

Bessemer carrier Marvel J. Robinson loads a hamper with food that he collected.

Bessemer carriers: Rennic Moore helps Erskine Smith unload food from his LLV.

Bessemer RCA Scott Sensmeier proudly holds up just a small portion of the food that he collected this afternoon.

Bessemer RCA Shanta Self  unloads her first bag of collected food.

Bessemer carrier Jayne Fields returns with a heavy load.

Marvel J. Robinson helps her lift it onto to the dock. All of the tubs next to him are filled with food.

LLV's beginning to line up for unloading at the food bank in Birmingham, Alabama.

At the food bank: Carrier and NALC steward Kathy Steward, TD Green, and Carrier Kim Humphrey

At the food bank: carrier Ray Lawrence catches his breath after a long day. "It's a lot of work, but it's worth it."

Hoover carriers Quannis Moses, Brenda Anderson, and Joe Cash at the food bank.

Several other volunteer organization participated, too. This group helping to unload Postal vehicles arriving with food is Homewood High School Men of Distinction Pride Club.