Friday, May 7, 2010

Breast Cancer Awareness at Fairview Branch in Birmingham, Alabama

For three days, April 30 - May 3, the Fairview Post Office conducted events to increase Breast Cancer Awareness in honor of Mothers' Day. A tower of lovely pink cupcakes along with refreshing pink punch lured customers to the wealth of information on breast cancer that was provided, and customers who bought Breast Cancer Awareness Stamps were encouraged to sign a memorium book, where they could dedicate their purchases to loved ones who had suffered from breast cancer.

Fairview's event was a success on many levels: members of the community were anxious to learn more and to make dedications; the Fairview staff was enthusiastic and welcoming; and although the final totals are not yet tallied, OIC Alecia Henderson estimates that over $2000 in Breast Cancer Awareness stamps were sold.

Postmarks thanks you, Fairview staff, for inviting us to attend your terrific event. Here are some pictures from our visit:
Carrier Anna Vincent shares information on breast cancer with customer Hudson Myers.

Top Row: Katie Bell, Anna Vincent
Bottom Row: Bill Moore, Alecia Henderson, Tenny Jones

Retail Associate Katie Bell with customer Janice Steward after she purchased Breast Cancer Awareness stamps and signed the memorium book.

Read more about Fairview's Breast Cancer Awareness Event in this quarter's Postmarks.