Thursday, April 1, 2010

Postmaster General Jack Potter to be on Dancing With the Stars

It was announced today that Postmaster General Jack Potter has been signed to be a competitor on next season's Dancing With the Stars.

"Employee morale needs a boost, and I believe that this will make all of us smile," chuckled Potter. "I haven't done much dancing lately."

Postmarks caught Potter practicing behind the Washington, DC Postal facility with his partner, Betty White. "Initially, I requested Shakira for a partner, but when I appeared on the Ellen Degeneres Show a couple of weeks ago, Ellen talked me into dancing with Betty because she thought that it would help sales of the Pet Adoption stamps," said Potter.

Indeed, it has. The Pet Adoption stamps, due to be released April 30, can be pre-ordered on the USPS website. Ms. White, a well-known animal rights advocate, has herself ordered 10,000 books.

Although he has temporarily side-lined Ms. White by breaking several of her toes, Potter remains optimistic about his chances to win. "With over 500,000 Postal employees voting multiple times, I don't see how I can lose," Potter said.

And due to changes in Dancing With the Stars voting practices for next season, neither can the Postal Service: all votes must be submitted via the US mail, with only one vote permitted per envelope. Profits from the voting alone are projected to reach $20 million.

All Postal employees will receive Vote of the Employee (VOE) ballots in the mail that they can photocopy and use to vote as many times as they want. They will be given time on the clock to complete the ballots. "But they must buy their own stamps," Potter insisted.

The theme of next year's competition will be Dancing Around the World, and Potter is working hard to meet the challenge. "I want my dancing to reflect the US Postal Service's commitment to diversity, "said Potter.

Postmarks will keep you posted on Potter's progress.

 To read the complete story about Postmaster General Jack Potter's exciting announcement, click here.