Friday, April 30, 2010

Adopt a Pet Stamps Released Today!

Like the rest of the country, Postmarks is thrilled with the Adopt a Pet Stamps that were released today. Today and in the coming weeks, events will be held across the state to promote the stamps and support the cause of animal adoption; we will share pictures of them as they trickle in.

The stamps have generated excitement from the public that hasn't been seen in a long time. People around the world can't wait to get their hands on them, and countless news venues have publicized their release.

Here is an article that was posted today on Chicago's website:

The new "Adopt a Shelter Pet" stamps: So cute, they may just lick you

Sure, email may be the way most of us communicate these days, but thanks to the United States Postal Service, we may want to rethink things. In fact, mailing a letter just got a lot more exciting, and meaningful.

A new set of first-class stamps featuring once-homeless dogs and cats are designed to promote animal adoption from shelters. These 44-cent stamps will go on sale nationwide April 30 and are part of a "Stamps to the Rescue" campaign to raise funds to buy food for animals in shelters. The stamps, together with Ellen DeGeneres and her pet-care company, Halo: Purely for Pets, will partner together to donate a million meals to animal shelters around the country.

The stamps feature photographs of five cats and five dogs taken by photographer Sally Andersen-Bruce. All 10 animals were adopted from a shelter in New Milford, CT, according to the Associated Press. There's Teddy, the wire-haired Jack Russell Terrier rescued from a shelter, Trevor, the yellow Lab dumped with his littermates at a construction site and later adopted, and Jake, the Boston Terrier relinquished to a shelter after being purchased at a pet store.

Raising the public's knowledge and awareness about animal adoption is a huge goal of this campaign.

As stated on the Stamps to the Rescue website: "We want more Americans to know about the millions of shelter pets that need good homes. Nearly half of the animals that enter animal shelters are euthanized. Many of these cats and dogs would have made a wonderful pet...if only given the chance.

"You can make a difference. Adopt a pet, volunteer at a shelter, or just get the word out by buying these stamps."