Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ubi Duo in Action

Lille Bell Williams and Cassandra Waller

Yesterday, we witnessed how truly helpful the Ubi Duo can be when hearing-impaired and hearing employees are trying to communicate.

Lillie Bell Williams was relocated from Atlanta to Birmingham last week. She is hearing impaired and was having trouble getting answers to her many questions about the relocation process.

While taking Williams on a tour of the Birmingham Plant, co-worker Cassandra Waller learned of Williams' frustrations and brought her upstairs to use the Ubi Duo, and it was only then that the full extent of Williams' lack of information became clear. Waller was then able to connect Wilson with the appropriate administrator.

Williams' questions were answered and stress over the transition relieved because communication became possible with the Ubi Duo.

Another happy result to the improved communication was that once learning of Williams' predicament, Waller also wanted to do whatever she could to make Williams' move to Birmingham easier: within a matter of minutes, Waller returned to the workroom floor, told other co-workers about Williams, and arranged a welcome package for her.
Williams was nearly overwhelmed with their display of kindness.

Cassandra Waller and Tour II Birmingham Plant employees, Postmarks is touched by your thoughtfulness. And Lillie Bell WIlliams (and all of the other new relocat-ees), we welcome you to Alabama with open arms.

This week's On The Job, On the Ball Academy Award belongs to all of you.