Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Carrier Dave Jeffferson Helps Elderly Customer

Last week, the Postmaster of Huntsville's Haysland Station received a letter about Carrier Dave Jefferson. It was written by the daughter of one of the elderly customers on Jefferson's route. To safeguard the customer's privacy, Postmarks is going to edit out customer names and addresses included in the letter.

Dear Mr Vess:

I wold like for you to know about an incident that happened on November 17, 2009 to my 91-year-old mother. Mother stepped out of her kitchen to push the garage door opener and fell. She landed on the garage floor. Thank goodness the garage door was open.

Within minutes, her mailman, Dave Jefferson, was delivering mail on Mother's street. Mother tried to signal him that she was in trouble. He heard her, but he thought that she was being her usual friendly self and did not see the predicament that she was in. After driving a few minutes, he felt uneasy and returned to Mother's house, went into her garage, and found her sitting on the garage floor. He immediately called 911 and me and remained with her until the ambulance came. What is so frightening is how long my mother might have been sitting on that garage floor if it had not been for Dave Jefferson.

Unfortunately, she had broken her hip; however, she is recuperating very well. Since she's been home, Dave has checked on her numerous times. My mother, her family, and her many friends are so grateful for Dave jefferson. He not only does a wonderful job as their mailman, but he makes the effort to know the people he serves and checks on their welfare. We think that it is very admirable that Dave considers his job more than just a job but also as a way to serve his community.

What a touching tribute to a thoughtful, conscientious carrier! For being willing to lend a helping hand, Dave Jefferson is this week's winner of the On the Job, On the Ball Trophy. What would have happened to Dave's customer had he not cared enough to turn around and try to help? Also, note the impact that writing a letter can have; Dave Jefferson will never forget having received it.

To read more about this incident and Dave Jefferson, see the next issue of Postmarks.