Monday, February 8, 2010

On the Job, On the Ball

All Postal employees need finely tuned observational skills. Being aware and alert is a necessity whether you’re behind the wheel, behind the counter, behind a mail processing machine, or behind a desk: our safety, the well-being of our customers, and the security of the mail often depends upon us.

That’s why today, we’re starting a regular Monday segment called On the Job, On the Ball about alert employees who take notice and take action. Featured employees will receive an engraved virtual trophy that changes each week along with a wriiten tribute of our admiriation and respect.

This week's lucky recipient is Sabrina Dubose, the Postmaster of tiny Ariton, Alabama.

Ms. Dubose thwarted the scheme of a money order scammer. To read the full article about her quick-thinking efforts, see this quarter's Postmarks, which should arrive on your doorstep within the next week.

This week, we nominated Sabrina because she is a  great example of being able to think on your feet, and because her pictures arrived too late to be included in the printed publication.

If you would like to nominate a fellow employee for an On the Ball award, or if you would like to take a shot at designing the next virtual trophy, contact us.