Monday, May 7, 2012

Countdown to Stamp Out Hunger Saturday

There are only five days left until the 20th Annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive on Saturday, so start gathering your non-perishable donations.

Last year, 70.2 million pounds of food was collected to help feed the hungry.With 16% of the population and 1 in 5 children struggling with hunger issues, this year's drive is more relevant than ever.

Let's see if we here in Alabama can do our part to make this 20th anniversary a very special year by setting an all-time record!

Here's a list of some of non-perishable items that the food banks need from you:

  • Canned fruits and vegetables
  • Dry cereals
  • Sugar and flour
  • Pasta
  • Canned and dried beans: black, pinto, lentils
  • Peanut butter
  • Canned or boxed meals: soup, chili, macaroni and cheese
  • Canned meats: tuna, chicken, salmon
  • Canned, bottled, or boxed juice, Gatorade, water
  • Pudding and fruit cups
  • Baby food, formula, baby wipes
  • Canned pet food
Check labels and containers prior to donation because nothing expired or made of glass can be accepted. 

Please hang the bags on or outside the mailbox rather than inside. 

You can also contribute by helping us get the word out. So many times, we've heard people say, "Oh, I forgot about that," or, "I didn't know it was THAT Saturday." All this week, we encourage everyone to post reminders on Facebook, Tweet it, tell everyone you see, make phone calls, anything that you can do to urge folks to fill up those bags and place them outside in time for their letter carrier on Saturday.